Guy Fieri |
"Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" is a television program hosted by Guy Fieri (winner Food Network Star #2) that premiered in November 2006 on the Food Network and then began airing as a series in April 2007 on the Food Network. Originally produced by Page Productions, the show began as a one-off special, based on an idea proposed by David Page. The show is also known by it's nickname of "Triple D."
On “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives,” Chef Guy Fieri, travels the USA and Canada in search of the best hometown favorites, interviewing the owners of the food establishments and sampling the items on their menus.
Restaurants are selected based on popularity, how the food is made, location and the restaurant’s willingness to share its history, some of its recipes with viewers and the food generally must be made from scratch with fresh, not frozen ingredients.
The shows new production company is Citizen Pictures.